Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases
Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House Committees to Find Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress
January 10, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Accountability Committee are considering a resolution recommending that the House find Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress, after the president's son failed to comply with a subpoena for closed-door testimony and instead held a press conference on Capitol grounds. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This is a no-brainer: The president’s son willfully ignored a congressional subpoena, and then salted the wound by holding a press conference on the grounds of the Capitol to drive home his point — that he’s a Biden, the son of the president, so he’s safe, and he can ignore the rules that bind the rest of us. He believes he’s not going to be prosecuted by a Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney, so he believes he can taunt the congressmen who are conducting an investigation into his family’s corrupt business practices. What Hunter Biden did in holding that press conference was worse than simply defying a congressional subpoena. He not only should be held in contempt of Congress, he must be held in contempt of Congress. “Former Trump aides Stephen Bannon and Peter Navarro similarly defied congressional subpoenas. The House voted to hold both in contempt of Congress, and then referred both to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for prosecution. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves prosecuted both, and he won convictions against both for contempt of Congress. “Even though they think they are, the president and his son are not above the law. The House investigation into the Biden crime family is legitimate and important, and holding Hunter Biden in contempt is a necessary action to keep the investigation moving. The House committees must pass the resolution today, and the full...
Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Homeland Security Committee to Impeach Mayorkas
January 10, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Homeland Security Committee will begin impeachment hearings against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, starting with a hearing focused on the effects in the heartland of our country of his failure to resolve the border crisis. Ahead of the hearing, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "The House Homeland Security Committee is taking a crucial step in holding DHS Secretary Mayorkas accountable for his gross negligence in managing the southern border. Since he was sworn in, Mayorkas has overseen consistent record-breaking surges in illegal immigration, which have led to serious national security concerns, humanitarian crises, and public safety issues among American citizens. “Let’s be clear: The crisis at the southern border is the result of decisions made intentionally — it is the result of decisions made by officials of an administration determined to flout the law for the purposes of allowing millions of aliens to enter our country. This is wrong. “The time is overdue for Congress to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Colorado Supreme Court Kicking Trump Off Ballot
Atlanta, GA – Today, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified President Trump from having his name on Colorado’s ballot. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This ruling is a disgrace, and the latest example of the Democrats’ election interference against Joe Biden’s leading opponent in the 2024 election. There was no ‘insurrection.’ President Trump did not participate in any insurrection. Nor did he encourage anyone to do so. Furthermore, he has not even been charged with insurrection by any legal authority, let alone convicted. This is a sham ruling that will encourage additional Fourteenth Amendment lawsuits in other states. The U.S. Supreme Court must intervene and overturn this ruling as soon as practical.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Commemorates 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party
Atlanta, GA – Today marks the 250th anniversary of the monumental Boston Tea Party protest that launched the birth of the United States on December 16th, 1773. In commemoration of the anniversary, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "As we reflect on the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, we honor the courageous patriots who, two and a half centuries ago, sparked a revolution that swept through the colonies and across the globe. Today at Tea Party Patriots Action, we honor their legacy that fueled the flames of independence, and we remain vigilant in defending the principles of liberty for which they fought. Let us remember December 16, 1773 as the day our forefathers lit the fire of freedom, and celebrate their enduring contribution to the spirit of American independence. God Bless America!”
Tea Party Patriots Action Congratulates House Republicans and Mike Johnson on Speaker Election
Atlanta, GA – Today, the House voted to elect Mike Johnson as its Speaker. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Tea Party Patriots Action congratulates Mike Johnson on his election to Speaker, and congratulates House Republicans for finally getting it right. Speaker Johnson faces enormous challenges in working to fight the Biden Administration and the Democrat-controlled Senate to right our nation’s course, to restore fiscal discipline, and to defend our interests at home and abroad. We are confident he is ready to fight to secure our border, to get Washington’s reckless spending under control, to end the weaponization of government against its citizens, and to end the woke policies guiding our military. We at TPPA look forward to continue working with Speaker Johnson on behalf of our shared values and the tens of millions of Americans who live by them.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Slams GOP Conference for Abandoning Jordan
Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Republican Conference voted to no longer back Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "The GOP Conference just stabbed the majority of GOP voters in the back. The voters want Jim Jordan for Speaker. Weak-spined GOP Congressmen vote one way on the floor for voters to see and another on a secret ballot behind closed doors with no accountability or transparency. Nevertheless, We the People will never stop standing for America, liberty, and our Constitution. We are not going away."
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Biden Oval Office Address, Iran Policy
Atlanta, GA – On Thursday night, President Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office. The main topics were the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the war in Ukraine. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "While many people today are talking about what President Biden said last night regarding the threats facing America and its interests abroad, few are talking about what he did NOT say — he did NOT say he was reversing his disastrous policy toward Iran. "That weak policy has emboldened Iran’s radical regime and refilled its coffers. That coddling policy has allowed Iran to advance its nuclear program. That feeble policy has permitted Iran to enhance its efforts to sponsor terrorism against America and its allies. "That policy must go. Until President Biden acknowledges his Iran policy is wrong and reverses it, America will continue to be in danger."
Tea Party Patriots Action Opposes Nomination of Jack Lew to Serve as U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Atlanta, GA – Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a hearing on President Biden’s nomination of former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to be the U.S. Ambassador to Israel. In opposition to Lew’s nomination, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Jack Lew should not serve as U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Not only was Lew one of the architects of the disastrous 2015 Iranian nuclear deal that President Biden is trying to revive, but Lew is an 'Iran sympathizer,' as Sen. Tom Cotton correctly points out. Lew lied to Congress about helping Iran dodge American sanctions, and he defended the Obama Administration’s refusal to veto blatant antisemitic resolutions proposed by the U.N. Security Council. At a time when Iran is funding and training terrorist groups to eradicate Israel and murder Americans — as we just witnessed in the horrifying Hamas attacks against Israel — we need to signal to the world our unrelenting backing for Israel and provide the aid needed as it rightfully fights back. Putting an Iran sympathizer in the job of Ambassador to Israel would send the wrong message at the wrong time. Jack Lew cannot serve as our Ambassador to Israel. His nomination must be defeated.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Endorses Jordan for Speaker
Atlanta, GA – Today, Tea Party Patriots Act (TPPA) endorsed Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan for Speaker. TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Jim Jordan has been a consistent conservative leader since he came to the House in 2007. He has always fought for limited government, a strong national defense, and individual liberty, and he shares Tea Party Patriots Action’s values in support of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future. “He has built a record of conservative leadership second to none. His work as a committee chairman, leading to passage in the House of the strongest border security legislation ever, shows that he can build coalitions. But he has not been a rubber stamp for the GOP leadership; rather, he has been willing to stand up to his party’s leaders when he believed they were deviating from conservative principles – so much so that he became one of the founders and leaders of the House Freedom Caucus – and his determination to speak his mind is legendary. He recognized that there were significant irregularities in the 2020 election, and he had the courage to stand up to the Swamp and speak his mind about it. “Perhaps most importantly, he does what he said he would do, and he keeps the promises he makes. “There has been much discussion over the last few days about the possibility of raising the threshold to initiate a motion to vacate against the Speaker. We believe it should remain right where it is, at one. “The next Speaker of the House will face enormous challenges in working with the Biden Administration and the Senate to right our nation’s course, to return to fiscal discipline, and to defend our interests at home and abroad. He will need to be ready to fight...
Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds Speaker McCarthy’s Opening of a Formal Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden
Atlanta, GA – Today, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ordered a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Since this inquiry was first reputed, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) has mobilized over 2,000 activists to visit their congressional offices and deliver letters to their Member of Congress requesting they demand an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. In response to today’s formal opening of the impeachment inquiry, TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “The Biden administration has time and again stonewalled the House’s legitimate investigation requests into the Biden family’s corrupt overseas dealings. The opening of an impeachment inquiry, which will strengthen the House’s hand in obtaining documents and witness appearances, is not only the answer to this stonewalling but the duty of the House. The testimonies and documents provide concrete evidence that President Biden lied to the American people about his own knowledge of his family's foreign dealings and even participated in these corrupt practices during his time as Vice President. Speaker McCarthy is correct to open this impeachment inquiry to complete the House’s investigation thoroughly. The American people deserve to know the truth.”