Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Congratulates Trump on Smashing South Carolina Victory, Urges Haley to Withdraw
Atlanta, GA – Tonight, former President Trump won a smashing victory in South Carolina’s GOP primary. In response, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“With his smashing victory in South Carolina, no one should have any remaining doubt: President Trump will be the Republican nominee, and rightfully so. The race is over, and the time has come for Nikki Haley to withdraw from the race. She’s lost all four nomination contest held so far, including her home state tonight – all by huge margins. If she persists in the race, the only winner will be Joe Biden and the Never-Trumpers who are funding her campaign, despite her dismal results. We need a united party. Grassroots conservatives have made their choice: They want Trump. The grassroots are fueling Trump’s state-by-state landslides and they will continue to do so. We urge Haley to bow out immediately and endorse Trump so we can focus exclusively on defeating Joe Biden.”
This week, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Message to Nikki Haley: Time to Go. To read it, click here.