Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases

Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass the CR+SAVE Act Package

September 17, 2024 Atlanta, GA – On Wednesday, the House is scheduled to vote on a Continuing Resolution that includes the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE Act). This legislation mandates that states obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship before registering voters for federal elections. In advance of the vote, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Tea Party Patriots Action fully backs the SAVE Act, and we appreciate Speaker Johnson’s linking it to the Continuing Resolution that will keep the government funded beyond September 30.  “Some in the media claim that the SAVE Act is unnecessary because noncitizen voting is already illegal. What they fail to mention is that there’s currently no reliable system in place to enforce that law. The SAVE Act remedies this by requiring states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before a new voter can be registered, adding a crucial enforcement mechanism to ensure our election laws are upheld as intended. "Strengthening election integrity is at the heart of Tea Party Patriots Action’s mission. Earlier this year, we commissioned a poll that found 87% of Americans agree that ‘proof of U.S. citizenship should be required to register to vote in American elections,’ and that 79% agree that ‘foreigners should be prohibited from interfering, including voting, in U.S. elections.’  “While the Biden-Harris administration is deliberately flooding our country with illegal aliens, overwhelming majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents want to protect our elections from foreign interference. That’s why the SAVE Act is so vital, and we urge every House Member to support this spending bill with the SAVE Act included.” Last week, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, The House Should Pass Speaker Johnson’s “Cr + Save Act." To read it, click here. To learn more about TPPA’s election integrity poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, click here. Crosstabs...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

September 12, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the House will vote on the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “The Biden-Harris administration wants to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the WHO by committing us to a dishonest and destructive treaty. Under this treaty, we would be in danger of ‘zero-COVID’ lockdowns — like the one China imposed on its citizens and others in China — during any event that foreign healthcare bureaucrats consider to be a ‘pandemic.’ Additionally, U.S. taxpayers would be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars per year in ‘pandemic preparedness’ spending, whatever that means. Since the treaty negotiations began, Tea Party Patriots Action has been mobilizing grassroots conservatives to expose and oppose this disastrous treaty. Today’s legislation requires the Biden-Harris administration to submit the treaty for Senate ratification, where it could be defeated, since all treaties submitted to the Senate require a two-thirds majority for ratification. Tea Party Patriots Action urges every House member to support this important, common-sense bill to protect the individual health of Americans and the sovereignty of our nation.” In April 2024, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Biden Selling Out Your Healthcare to Global Bureaucrats. To read it, click here. For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass Spending Bill with SAVE Act Attached

September 11, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the House is expected to vote on a short-term spending bill known as a “Continuing Resolution” that has the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVEAct) attached to it. The SAVEAct strengthens current law by requiring states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before registering anyone to vote in federal elections. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "Tea Party Patriots Action strongly supports the SAVEAct. We thank Speaker Johnson for attaching the SAVEAct to ‘must-pass’ legislation that will keep the government open past the September 30 funding deadline. The legacy media keeps insisting the SAVEAct is redundant because non-citizen voting is already illegal. What they don’t explain is that there is currently no enforcement method to ensure that the law is being followed. What the SAVEAct does is require states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before registering a new voter – in other words, the SAVEAct adds an important safety mechanism to ensure the law is being implemented as intended and to strengthen the integrity of our elections. “Strengthening election integrity is at the heart of Tea Party Patriots Action’s mission. In January of this year, we commissioned John McLaughlin’s company to conduct an election integrity poll. We learned that 87% of Americans agree that ‘proof of U.S. citizenship should be required to register to vote in American elections,’ and that 79% agree that ‘foreigners should be prohibited from interfering, including voting, in U.S. elections.’ Ahead of the 2022 midterms, we recruited and trained over 20,000 poll watchers and poll workers. We are redoubling those efforts for the 2024 election and our goal is to exceed what we did in 2022. “While the Biden-Harris administration is deliberating flooding our country with illegal aliens, overwhelming majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents want to protect our elections from foreign interference. That is what makes...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Unwarranted Political Attack on SCOTUS

July 30, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden is attacking the U.S. Supreme Court in an unwarranted and political fashion, calling on Congress to establish term limits on the court’s justices and impose an enforceable ethics code on the Court with people external to the Court holding the power to enforce it. Biden is also pressing lawmakers to ratify a constitutional amendment that would limit presidential immunity. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action’s Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “President Biden’s unwarranted political attack on the Supreme Court is outrageous. He is proposing to gut the U.S. Supreme Court simply because he and the Democrats are upset that the Court’s majority has made multiple common-sense rulings to rein in the Biden administration’s abuse of power. Instead of humbly accepting those rulings and fulfilling his Constitutional obligations, Biden is undermining the Constitution’s separation of powers. “Biden knows this proposal will not come to pass during his presidency — in fact, he is only proposing this radical reformation because he is no longer running for reelection. Also interesting is that the Democrats’ presumptive nominee, Kamala Harris, is endorsing Biden’s plan. “This will be a major issue in the contest between Harris and former President Trump. This raises the stakes for the election and reinforces the need for a Trump victory. Tea Party Patriots Action will do all it can to educate and motivate voters on the importance of protecting The Supreme Court.” Over the years, Tea Party Patriots Action has tirelessly defended the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court. Most recently, Tea Party Patriots Action released a comprehensive, free ebook that reveals the left’s motives and tactics for undermining the Supreme Court. This resource equips Americans with the knowledge and tools to educate others and...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Mayorkas to Fire Secret Service Director

July 22, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Oversight Committee held a hearing with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the Service’s failure to prevent the attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This is simple: Director Cheatle admitted today that the Secret Service experienced a ‘colossal failure’ in failing to prevent the assassination attempt against former President Trump. Additionally, she told ABC News after the shooting that ‘the buck stops with me.’ Given these two facts that Director Cheatle herself admits, she should not be working at the top of this critical security agency. Yet she refuses to resign. Consequently, her direct superior, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, must fire her. “The fact he hasn’t fired her in the nine days since the shooting is further evidence that he, too, should be fired, and that the House was right to impeach him. “Our President, our DHS Secretary, and our Secret Service Director are completely out of touch and grossly incompetent. The American people deserve so much better.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds Judge’s Dismissal of Trump’s Classified Documents Case

July 15, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, Judge Cannon dismissed the entire federal criminal case against former President Trump over his handling of classified information. Cannon concluded that special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Judge Cannon made the right decision, and we applaud her for it. There is no question that Jack Smith’s appointment was illegal, making his indictment against Trump illegal. The only question was whether Judge Cannon would have the courage to dismiss the indictment. She did. This is a big win not just for Trump, but also for the rule of law. The Democrats’ weaponization of government against conservatives must come to an end.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity

July 1, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Trump v. United States, in which the former President argued he is immune from prosecution on charges stemming from actions he took while serving as president. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This is a win for former President Trump, and a big defeat for the Democrats who have been weaponizing the government against Trump to interfere in this year’s election. “The Supreme Court has weighed in — presidents must have immunity for their core functions and official acts.  “We thank the Supreme Court for recognizing the importance of presidential immunity. The ruling is also a fresh reminder about the importance of the Supreme Court as the American people consider who their next President should be.” For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Hold Garland in Contempt of Congress

June 12, 2024 Atlanta, GA – As soon as today, the House will vote on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for his refusal to produce subpoenaed audio recordings of President Biden’s interviews with special counsel Robert Hur over Biden's mishandling of classified information. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Tea Party Patriots Action urges every House Member to vote in favor of holding Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress. There is no legal validity to President Biden’s assertion of privilege over the audio recordings of conversations in which the transcripts have already been released. For months, Garland has refused to turn over the recordings, even though the House committees are well within their legal rights to demand and receive them. This is just the latest example of Garland’s abuse of power, covering up for the ‘Big Guy.’ The appropriate recourse is to hold Garland in contempt of Congress.” This week, Townhall published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, The House Must Vote “Yes” on Holding Garland in Contempt of Congress. To read it, click here. For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Executive Order on Border Crisis

June 4, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the Biden administration issued a new executive order allowing the president to close the border in between ports of entry when there is an average of 2,500 crossings a day over a seven day period. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This is a joke. In the early days of his presidency, Joe Biden reversed his predecessor’s immigration policies — as he had promised to do while campaigning for the presidency in 2020 — and the result was predictable: Over seven million illegal aliens have settled in our country since Biden took office. Now, with voters listing immigration as the most important issue facing the country, according to most polls, Biden is pretending to do something about it in order to garner some positive headlines. It won’t work.  “Joe Biden has had the power to stop the border invasion all along; all he has to do is enforce existing law. He won’t do it. And today’s action , even if fully enforced (which it won’t be, if history is any guide), would still allow more than 1.7 million illegal immigrants to enter our country every year with the approval of the Biden administration — on top of the one million immigrants who come here legally. “Despite Joe Biden’s actions today, the invasion continues, putting the physical safety of our people at risk, leaving us wide open to the possibility of a new terrorist attack, and potentially jeopardizing the integrity of our elections.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Guilty Verdict in Trump Case

May 30, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, former President Trump was found guilty by a New York City jury for unlawful bookkeeping. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “This is a disgraceful, inexcusable verdict. This case should never have been brought to trial in the first place. The D.A. never explained the underlying crime, and his political motivations were clear — he was elected after having promised to ‘get Trump’ during his election campaign. Judge Merchan was equally abysmally biased, issuing absurd jury instructions that make the verdict vulnerable to appeal. The jurors themselves clearly were either biased, given the overwhelming liberal make-up of Manhattan, or did not understand the law. What we’re left with is an unprecedented day in American history: A presumptive presidential nominee convicted for a made-up crime to weaken him in an election campaign. President Biden and the Democrats are smiling today. But Trump will prevail come November, and the tables will turn. The Democrats should be careful what they wish for.”
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