Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Speaks at Johnson-Roy Presser Advocating Only Citizens Vote Bill

May 8, 2024 Washington, DC – Today, Jenny Beth Martin, Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action, along with, Cleta Mitchell from FAIR Elections Fund and others, joined Speaker Mike Johnson, Senator Mike Lee, and Rep. Chip Roy at a Capitol Hill press conference to support Rep. Roy’s only citizens vote bill, the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE Act). The press conference was the launch of the Only Citizens Vote Coalition. Jenny Beth Martin’s prepared remarks are below. To watch video of her remarks, click here and scroll to the 18:53 mark. “My name is Jenny Beth Martin, and I am the Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action, which represents three million supporters, donors, and grassroots activists. “I am here today to stand with Speaker Johnson and Congressman Roy and the other members of Congress and leaders of grassroots organizations to declare our support for the SAVE Act. “And while I’m at it, I’ve been asked by Ken Blackwell, the Chairman of the Conservative Action Project, to declare his support for the bill, too. He couldn’t be with us today. “Three months ago, we commissioned a national poll, conducted by John Mclaughlin, President Trump’s pollster. His findings were not surprising to those of us who have been working on election integrity at the grassroots level for the last several years. Overwhelming majorities of the American people believe only U.S. citizens should vote, and overwhelming majorities of the American people believe proof of citizenship should be required to register to vote. “That is exactly what the SAVE Act does – it amends the Motor Voter law to require that States obtain documentary proof of citizenship before they can register someone to vote. “It’s already illegal for noncitizens to vote. but just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman & Leaders from Only Citizens Vote Coalition Joining Speaker Johnson, Rep. Roy at Capitol Hill Presser Supporting Rep. Roy’s Election Integrity Bill TODAY

May 8, 2024 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today at 11:00am ET, Jenny Beth Martin, Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action, along with, Cleta Mitchell from FAIR Elections Fund, and others, will join Speaker Mike Johnson, Senator Mike Lee, and Rep. Chip Roy at a Capitol Hill press conference to support Rep. Roy’s election integrity bill, the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE Act). The press conference will be the launch of the Only Citizens Vote Coalition. Other leaders from the coalition will also be speaking at the press conference. The SAVE Act strengthens current law by requiring documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote in Federal elections. Former President Trump and Speaker Johnson endorsed the bill at an April 12 press conference. The Only Citizens Vote Coalition consists of more than seventy local, state, and national organizations and citizen leaders who believe that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in any American election—local, state, and federal-- and that proof of United States citizenship must be required to register to vote. The organizations are pledging to work together to educate our fellow citizens on the importance of citizen-only voting and ensure the enactment and administration of laws and practices at all levels of government to prevent noncitizen registration and voting. More information about the threat of noncitizen voting can be found on the Coalition’s website: https://www.onlycitizensvotecoalition.com WHO: Speaker Johnson Congressman Chip Roy Senator Mike Lee Cleta Mitchell (FAIR Elections Fund) Jenny Beth Martin (Tea Party Patriots Action) Stephen Miller (America First Legal) Ken Cuccinelli (Election Transparency Initiative) Rosemary Jenks (Immigration Accountability Project) Andy Roth (State Freedom Caucus Network) WHAT: Press Conference WHEN: Today, May 8 at 11:00 am ET WHERE: House Elm Site (directly across the plaza from the South Door) NOTE: Press interested in attending must have equipment pre-set by...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Senate to Give Mayorkas Legitimate Trial

April 17, 2024 “Outrageous, Unprecedented Cover-Up” is About to Take Place Atlanta, GA – Today, the Senate will likely vote to dismiss the impeachment charges against DHS Secretary Mayorkas without holding a trial. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “What the Senate Democrats will do today is an outrageous, unprecedented abdication of their constitutional responsibility. Only 21 times in history has the House passed articles of impeachment. The House’s decision to impeach Secretary Mayorkas was not done flippantly, it was done after an extensive investigation of the root causes of the border crisis and Mayorkas’ role in allowing that crisis to take place and escalate. “Yet instead of putting Mayorkas on trial, as the Constitution mandates, Senate Democrats will engage in a coverup: They do not want the public to see the evidence against Mayorkas and the gravity of the process that impeachment normally demands; they want to paint the House’s impeachment of Mayorkas as a partisan stunt not worthy of the Senate’s time. Nothing could be further from the truth. The border crisis is the number one issue facing the country, according to most public opinion polls, and for good reason — it is unprecedented in its depth and breadth. Senate Democrats are making an inexcusable choice. No Senate Republican should join them.”  This month, the Daily Caller published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Senate Must Let House Make Its Case In Impeachment Trial Of Mayorkas. To read it, click here. For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds Trump & Johnson for Pushing Citizen Only Voting Bill

April 12, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, former President Trump and Speaker Johnson will hold a press conference endorsing citizen only voting legislation – specifically, Rep. Chip Roy’s bill, the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE Act). This bill strengthens current law by requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in Federal elections. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "Tea Party Patriots Action strongly supports the SAVE Act. We thank Congressman Roy for introducing it, and we are thrilled former President Trump and Speaker Johnson are rallying around it. “Americans understand the importance of ensuring that only citizens vote in elections for the American President, Senators, and Representatives. “In January of this year, we commissioned John McLaughlin’s company to conduct an election integrity poll. We learned that 87% of Americans agree that ‘proof of U.S. citizenship should be required to register to vote in American elections,’ and that 79% agree that ‘foreigners should be prohibited from interfering, including voting, in U.S. elections.’ Even though President Biden is deliberately flooding our country with illegal aliens, overwhelming majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents want to protect our elections from foreign interference. That is what makes the SAVE Act so important.  “We look forward to working with President Trump and Speaker Johnson to promote the SAVE Act and the larger cause of strengthening election integrity.” Strengthening election integrity is at the heart of TPPA’s mission. Ahead of the 2022 midterms, TPPA recruited and trained over 20,000 poll watchers and poll workers. TPPA is redoubling those efforts for the 2024 election, and its goal is to exceed what it did in 2022. To learn more about TPPA’s election integrity poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, click here. Crosstabs available upon request. For more information...
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​​Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Senate to Give Mayorkas Legitimate Trial

March 28, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, Speaker Johnson and House impeachment managers sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Schumer informing him they will send articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to the Senate on April 10. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:  “DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been impeached by the House of Representatives for his utter failure to enforce the law on the southern border and then lying about it to Congress. The Senate should now do its job and hold an impeachment trial, with every senator required to hear the full case against Mayorkas, as presented by the House impeachment managers. “The Democrats who control the Senate owe it to the American public not to dismiss this case before any evidence is presented, and not to shuffle the case off to some ‘special committee’ where all evidence will be presented in private. “Secretary Mayorkas’ failure to enforce the law on the southern border has led to an illegal immigration crisis of historic proportions. Under his watch — and by his order — millions of illegal aliens have been allowed to enter the country. That is wrong, and he should be convicted by the Senate and removed from office.” In January, the Daily Caller published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Alejandro Mayorkas Is Finally Getting a Taste Of Accountability. To read it, click here. For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Ruling Keeping Fulton County DA on Trump Case

March 15, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, Judge Scott McAfee ruled that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her office can continue prosecuting former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants only if special prosecutor Nathan Wade steps down. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Judge McAfee’s ruling is appalling. It is clear to any fair-minded person that Fani Willis disqualified herself by hiring her lover to lead the Trump prosecution, abusing government funds, and then engaging in perjury and obstruction of justice during her hearing. And then there’s the fact that Willis’ prosecution of Trump and his co-defendants has no basis in law and is naked election interference. This week, Gov. Kemp signed legislation that lets a state commission begin operating with powers to discipline and remove prosecutors. Because the state legislature in Georgia has abdicated its constitutional power to impeach, that commission must act to remove Willis immediately. Every moment this sham prosecution is allowed to continue is a total miscarriage of justice."
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Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund: “The State of the Union is a Disaster and Biden Bears the Blame”

March 7, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Tonight, President Biden will deliver his annual State of the Union address. In anticipation of the speech, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “The State of the Union is a disaster and the reason is simple: the left-wing policies of President Biden and the Democrats. On issue after issue, whether it’s inflation, immigration, crime, foreign wars, weaponization of government, cultural decay, and so much more, Biden and the Democrats have directly enacted policies that have caused tremendous suffering across our country. To rebut these basic facts, Biden will offer fake optimism and misinformation tonight. The American people know better. “The American people are demanding a course correction. They will not get it tonight and they will never get it so long as Joe Biden is President. The next few months are tremendously important for our country. Conservatives in Congress must continue to stand strong against Biden's assault on the country. Additionally, conservative activists across the country must do the hard work necessary to secure and win elections in November so that we can have a true course correction next year. Our future depends on it.” For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]
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Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Congratulates Trump on Super Tuesday Victories, Urges Haley to Withdraw 

March 7, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Tonight, former President Donald Trump won a smashing victory in Texas’ GOP primary as part of a wider assemblage of victories on Super Tuesday. In response, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund President Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:   “President Trump continues to dominate the Republican primaries, fueled by grassroots conservatives. Sixteen states voted today, and while the results haven’t been finalized in every state, it is clear that Trump will emerge with an overwhelming share of the delegates at stake. The race is all but over, and it’s time for Nikki Haley to withdraw and endorse Trump. We must not delay any longer the process of uniting the conservative movement so we can be fully prepared and mobilized for the general campaign. The stakes are too high to delay the inevitable: We must be laser-focused on defeating Joe Biden. We congratulate President Trump on tonight’s victories, and we will continue working hard for him as he makes his way back to the White House.”   For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]  
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Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds SCOTUS Ruling Keeping Trump on Ballot 

March 4, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to kick former President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot because of the Fourteenth Amendment. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “We are thankful for the Supreme Court’s ruling today. However, this case should never have reached the nation’s highest court. It was irresponsible and disgraceful for liberal judges to use phony Fourteenth Amendment concerns to kick the presumptive Republican nominee for President off the ballot. That was true election interference, one of many examples of the Democrats using ‘lawfare’ against Trump with multiple trials designed to break him financially and break the spirit of his supporters. It will not succeed. Today, the Supreme Court reaffirmed every American’s fundamental right to vote for the candidate of their choice, despite the malpractice of liberal judges.”
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Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Congratulates Trump on Smashing South Carolina Victory, Urges Haley to Withdraw

February 24, 2024 Atlanta, GA – Tonight, former President Trump won a smashing victory in South Carolina’s GOP primary. In response, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “With his smashing victory in South Carolina, no one should have any remaining doubt: President Trump will be the Republican nominee, and rightfully so. The race is over, and the time has come for Nikki Haley to withdraw from the race. She’s lost all four nomination contest held so far, including her home state tonight – all by huge margins. If she persists in the race, the only winner will be Joe Biden and the Never-Trumpers who are funding her campaign, despite her dismal results. We need a united party. Grassroots conservatives have made their choice: They want Trump. The grassroots are fueling Trump’s state-by-state landslides and they will continue to do so. We urge Haley to bow out immediately and endorse Trump so we can focus exclusively on defeating Joe Biden.” This week, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Message to Nikki Haley: Time to Go. To read it, click here.
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