
Stop the Kids Online Safety Act

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) may sound harmless, but it poses a serious threat to your parental rights and your children's access to information. If passed, this bill would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) the power to control what your children see online, pushing a leftist agenda and suppressing alternative views. We must act now to protect our children from this dangerous overreach.

Contact your representative immediately to oppose KOSA. Use our action page to quickly email and call your congressman-yes, even Democrats! Then, please also call Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers at 202-225-2006, who is the driving force behind this bill through the House.

TAKE ACTION about Stop the Kids Online Safety Act

The 2024 election landscape has changed rapidly over the last month and it's hard for everyday Americans to know the truth, which is why you play a vital role in reaching out to your community.

The fact is, we cannot allow the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to win in November. We must show up in overwhelming numbers to vote for Donald Trump, which is why we need you to Get Out The Vote and inform your friends and family that their vote matters and is crucial if they want to save our country.

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is asking you to join the thousands of other patriots who are committed to making sure President Trump wins again!

Sign up at MarchtoVictory.com today!


The House of Representatives passed the SAVE Act on July 10, 2024, and it now goes to the Senate as bill S. 4292. The SAVE Act requires documentary proof of citizenship before someone is registered to vote. This is an essential fix that is needed in order to secure our elections this year and in the future. It's incredibly important that we contact both Republicans and Democrats as well!

Use our online portal to quickly send a pre-written email to both of your senators asking them to cosponsor the bill and vote for it.


Protect The Supreme Court

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) introduced articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito on July 10, 2024. The articles do not level any exact crimes against the justices, but instead mentions already-debunked claims.

The real reason for the incessant attacks against the Court as a whole is to cause a crisis of confidence in the American people so that the citizenry accepts the left's "solution" of court packing.

Arm yourself with our Protect the Supreme Court eBook, and be equipped to fight the lies of the left.

TAKE ACTION about Protect The Supreme Court

Secure & Win

Conservatives are the last line of defense between radical liberalism and the destruction of our nation. Election Day is right around the corner, and the left continues their attempts to manipulate voters with lies. That is why we must be out there talking to voters, waving signs, having conversations to win those independent votes for conservatives.

Tea Party Patriots Action needs you, and your country needs you to sign up today to Secure & Win in November and set our nation back on track.

TAKE ACTION about Secure & Win