
The 2024 election is extremely important, which is why ensuring it is secure is so crucial. The SAVE Act, HB 8281, requires anyone who will be registered to vote in the United States provide documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. This bill will be in the Rules Committee on Monday and up for a vote in the House floor on WEDNESDAY, July 10th.

Call and email your congressman and tell him or her to vote for HB 8281 because only citizens should vote in our elections! In fact, our recent poll showed that 87% of Americans agree with providing proof of citizenship to register to vote, including 82% of people who approve of Biden and 80% of Democrats.

Simply use our online form to quickly send a pre-written email to both of your senators asking them to cosponsor the bill and vote for it. When you're done, we will provide the phone number for you to call them as well!


Protect The Supreme Court

As you know, the left has attacked conservative Supreme Court justices and the Supreme Court's credibility, almost nonstop, especially over the last year. It's our job, as freedom-loving patriots, to understand why they are attacking and get to the heart of the issue: court packing, and therefore power and control of the country.

In the next couple of weeks, the Supreme Court will be issuing rulings that will be very consequential, affecting the election, President Trump, and freedom in America. These decisions and opinions may or may not make the liberal left happy, and if they don't, the attacks on the legitimacy of our court will increase.

It's crucial that our Supreme Court remain independent - one that cannot be swayed or intimidated by the power-hungry left - and it's especially important today since we have already lost so many freedoms.

America needs you to speak up!

We must remain vigilant about protecting the Supreme Court as we get closer to the election!

We ask for your phone number in order to have a way to get in touch with you via call or text via recurring messages, in the event that Big Tech censors us and there is urgent information you need to know. Msg & data rates may apply.

TAKE ACTION about Protect The Supreme Court

There are tens of millions of noncitizens, both legal and illegal, residing in the country. The Biden Administration allowed the invasion and ordered all federal agencies, via executive order, to promote voter registration. However, there are currently NO requirements to show documentary proof of citizenship when registering to vote in the United States.

A bill has been introduced in both the House and the Senate that would close loopholes in voter registration. It's called the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. Tell your representative and both senators that you want them to co-sponsor and vote for the only bill that protects every American's vote by requiring documentary proof of citizenship at time of voter registration and closes the loopholes.




Secure & Win

Our wide-open border allows terrorists and criminals to cross by the thousands every single day. Not only does the Biden administration not try to stop the invasion, the administration's policy is to encourage and facilitate it. Simultaneously, government agencies have become so deeply corrupted that American citizens are persecuted for simply disagreeing with or standing up to this administration.

Inflation is still hurting American families. Our children are targets for radical left-wing activists, and we are one election away from the left being able to pack the Supreme Court, so that it is nothing more than a rubber stamp for left-wing policies.

All of this, and more, is why it is so important to Secure & Win. You are the shield between freedom and tyranny, and the battle starts now. Thousands of patriots are needed to serve as poll watchers and poll workers - to secure our election, and thousands of patriots are needed to help us Get Out The Vote amongst conservative voters - to win the election.

We can't Secure & Win without you, and we can't save America if we don't Secure & Win. Don't wait, sign up to Secure & Win today!

TAKE ACTION about Secure & Win

Stand With Israel

The weekend of April 14, 2024, Israel was attacked by Iran and their allies in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq. Again, we are called on to stand with Israel and to urge our members of Congress to stop playing political games when it comes to aid to Israel. The Senate refuses to pass an Israel aid bill the House already passed, and is paid for by cuts to the IRS. Therefore, the call to action is call your representative and both of your senators and tell them to pass aid for Israel.

  1. Call the House: Tell your representative to pass a clean, stand-alone Israel aid bill, and to reject the Senate bill that includes aid to other countries; we just want a clean bill that sends aid to Israel.
  2. Call the Senate: Tell both of your senators to demand that Sen. Schumer take up the House-passed stand-alone Israel aid bill that includes the pay-for through IRS reductions.

Additionally, the history of the Israel aid bills is a little bit confusing. We put together a summary to explain what occurred before and the current situation.

TAKE ACTION about Stand With Israel