End the Iran Deal | Nationwide Congressional Office Visits on August 27th

We are calling for all Tea Party activists to visit your local Congressional offices on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at noon local time to tell your Senators or Representative to stop President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal. We have created a toolkit to help you with your visit. We encourage everyone to at least drop off a letter. In areas where Tea…Read More

Patriot Ground Game

The Patriot Ground Game is a door to door, blockwalking project where local tea party groups use the provided technology, training, and tools to spread Tea Party Patriots values, increase influence and reach, educate neighbors, and move issues forward. We do these Neighborhood Walks to increase our reach and influence as Tea Party Patriots.  Often…Read More

End the Iran Deal

We are calling for all Tea Party activists to visit your local Congressional offices on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at noon local time to tell your Senators or Represenative to stop President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal. We have created a toolkit to help you with your visit. We encourage everyone to at least drop off a letter. In…Read More

IRS Timeline

The Internal Revenue Service has illegally targeted Tea Party groups and individuals with every means at their disposal. When the truth was brought to light, investigation into the IRS' practices and the people responsible was obstructed at every turn. This timeline collects all the events in the long struggle against the IRS' targeting – see…Read More

Yellow Card: Penny Plan

THE PENNY PLAN“Will you commit to introducing and passing a budget based on the Penny Plan, which calls for spending one penny less for every dollar spent by the federal government in the previous year?” Background Americans agree: Washington doesn’t run a deficit because we tax too little, but because we spend too much. The…Read More

End Obamacare Exemption

Join us on June 17 @ Noon at Your Local Congressional OfficesRegister now! Important: Pre-Planning Webinar, Thursday, June 11th at 8pm EDT. End Obamacare Exemption Join us at noon on Wednesday, June 17th  at one of your Senators' or Representative's local offices to demand that they abide by the laws that they force on the rest of us.…Read More