923rally Register

Speakers Jenny Beth Martin Tea Party Patriots Steve Moore Economic Adviser to the Trump Campaign and Trump-Pence Transition Tom Fitton Judicial Watch Seton Motley Less Government CL Bryant FreedomWorks Phil Kerpen American Commitment Debbie Dooley Tea Party Patriots Board Member John Berry California Tea Party Patriots Activist Gregg Cummings Iowa Tea Party Patriots Activist Emery…Read More

Senate Nominations

Our nation has a rich history of advancing trade policies that embody the virtues of the free market, a commitment to human rights, and the core principles of America’s founding. International trade has been a cornerstone of our nation's economic success and exceptional nature. Trade agreements only work, however, if both parties abide by the…Read More

Debt Ceiling

Our nation stands mired in debt – more than $20 trillion in debt, in fact. That works out to more than $60,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. At Tea Party Patriots – which was created in 2009 to fight for greater economic freedom, greater personal freedom, and a debt-free future – we find…Read More

Open Skies

Our nation has a rich history of advancing trade policies that embody the virtues of the free market, a commitment to human rights, and the core principles of America’s founding. International trade has been a cornerstone of our nation's economic success and exceptional nature. Trade agreements only work, however, if both parties abide by the…Read More

Obamacare Congressional Exemption

This [congressional exemption from ObamaCare] is an issue of fundamental fairness. Lawmakers are not above the laws that they pass and I believe that it is crucial that Members of Congress abide by the same laws that their own constituents follow. Sen. Ted Cruz Congress isn't living under ObamaCare. Yes, you read that correctly. Congress…Read More

Tea Party Patriots’ Efforts to End the Obamacare Exemption

In 2013, President Obama colluded with Congressional leaders to devise a way to shield members of Congress, their families, and their staffs from ObamaCare. When ObamaCare was passed, Republican lawmakers pushed to ensure Congress and their staffs would have to live under the law like everyone else. However, in 2013, the directive from President Obama…Read More