Senate Nominations

Our nation has a rich history of advancing trade policies that embody the virtues of the free market, a commitment to human rights, and the core principles of America’s founding. International trade has been a cornerstone of our nation's economic success and exceptional nature. Trade agreements only work, however, if both parties abide by the…Read More

Debt Ceiling

Our nation stands mired in debt – more than $20 trillion in debt, in fact. That works out to more than $60,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. At Tea Party Patriots – which was created in 2009 to fight for greater economic freedom, greater personal freedom, and a debt-free future – we find…Read More

Taxpayers foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ appeals in federal court

According to a Heritage expert on immigration, U.S. taxpayers are made to pay many of the legal fees for illegal immigrants filing appeals in federal court. The Washington Examiner has the story: “American taxpayers are subsidizing the appeals of all these cases,” said von Spakovsky. He said that nearly all deportation decisions from the Board…

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Ronald Reagan’s former Transportation Secretary reveals how two middle eastern countries are manipulating the airline industry and threatening over 1 million American jobs. Watch and share to learn ho…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Ronald Reagan’s former Transportation Secretary reveals how two middle eastern countries are manipulating the airline industry and threatening over 1 million American jobs. Watch and share to learn how we can enforce our trade agreements to protect American jobs and Make…

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Gulf carrier ‘cheaters’ threaten livelihood of 1.2 million Americans counting on the aviation industry

Eyeglasses with newspaper and coffee cup

The U.S. aviation industry is facing a significant threat from three state-owned Gulf carriers: Emirates, Etihad Airways, and Qatar Airways. They have received over $50 billion in subsidies from their governments just within the last decade, that has skewed the free market, placing American jobs and the aviation industry in jeopardy. The Washington Examiner has…

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