California border-patrol agent: ‘We don’t know who we’re releasing’

A surge of Central American illegal-immigrant children and families, as well as nearly 500,000 visa overstays, is making some border-patrol agents question public safety. Why are they concerned? Because there is so great a backlog of illegal immigrants that it’s making it difficult for officials to conduct timely background checks on everyone that comes through…

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Healthcare expert says some insurers could hike premiums by more than 10 percent

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Those signing up for Obamacare are more so the “frequent fliers” than the young, healthy millennials the Obama administration was banking on to keep its disastrous health-insurance scheme afloat. Consequently, health-insurance companies are alleging they need to hike their premiums – some in excess of 10 percent, says one healthcare expert – to make up…

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Reid Reveals Senate Democrats’ Agenda: Liberal Supreme Court Majority for Decades

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today in response to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s suggestion that Hillary Clinton should re-nominate Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, if she is elected president. “Harry Reid and the rest of the liberals in Congress continue to reveal the…

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Jenny Beth Martin: ‘Americans are opposed to shifting the [Supreme Court] balance in a more liberal direction’

As a small contingent of Senate liberals continue to spar with Senate conservatives over whether to hold hearings for President Obama’s left-wing Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland, Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin in her latest column reminds us Americans don’t want someone like Judge Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court and instead…

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Call to thank your senators for giving us a voice in the direction of the Supreme Court!

President Obama is trying to bully the Senate into confirming Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court as part of his plan to stack the Court with a liberal majority that will undermine our most cherished rights. Merrick Garland would be the fifth vote on the Supreme Court to gut our Second Amendment right to keep…

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Deloitte executive: ‘A number of carriers need double-digit [premium] increases’ to make up for Obamacare losses

Obamacare is wreaking havoc on the profitability of health-insurance providers, some of whom anticipate double-digit increases to health-insurance premiums to make up for revenue shortfalls. POLITICO has the scoop: Just a week after the nation’s largest insurer, UnitedHealth Group, pulled out of most Obamacare exchanges because it anticipates $650 million in losses this year, Aetna’s…

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