House Judiciary Committee set to grill IRS commissioner over targeting scandal


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is scheduled to be in the hot seat Wednesday during a 10 a.m. House Judiciary Committee meeting – the third in a series of hearings to probe the Obama appointee about his role in covering up the systematic agency targeting of Americans for their political beliefs.

“Commissioner Koskinen will be the sole witness before the committee. The House Judiciary Committee previously invited Commissioner Koskinen to testify in May regarding the allegations of misconduct but he declined to participate at that time,” reads a statement posted to the judiciary committee website.

Commissioner Koskinen did not comply with a congressional subpoena demanding the preservation of key evidence in the targeting investigation, made false statements under oath and failed to notify Congress in a timely manner that emails of a former IRS executive central to the scandal were missing.

Members of the House after the judiciary hearing are expected to decide whether to move forward with a tabled privileged resolution demanding the IRS commissioner be impeached.

Watch the livestream of the hearing here:

President Obama’s corrupt IRS commissioner needs to be impeached for the role he played in perpetuating the targeting of Americans for their political beliefs and for stonewalling congressional investigation into the scandal attacking Americans’ free-speech rights. Click here to help Tea Party Patriots urge lawmakers stop delaying the vote to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen!