Tea Party Patriots Appreciate Meeting with Leader McConnell, Push for Full Obamacare Repeal

Washington, D.C. – Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement regarding a meeting today with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to discuss the need to fully repeal ObamaCare.
“We appreciate Leader McConnell’s willingness to meet with Tea Party Patriots activists to discuss the need to repeal ObamaCare and receive our letter signed by one and a half million activists calling for full repeal of ObamaCare. Our supporters have been calling their Senators to ask them to support the motion to proceed in order to advance the process and present Senators the opportunity to keep their promises to repeal ObamaCare. Once the motion to proceed passes, the bill the Senate sends back to the House must be the 2015 bill to repeal ObamaCare, which 51 Republican Senators voted for 18 months ago. That is the absolute minimum our activists can support and is only the beginning. Congress and the Administration will have to continue to work to repeal the rest of ObamaCare.”