Tax Reform

During the entirety of the presidential election – from the primaries to the general election – Donald Trump very clearly outlined the type of tax reform that he would pursue if elected. Now, as President, he remains committed to keeping his promise on tax reform. The American people freely elected President Trump, knowing that he…Read More

923rally Register

Speakers Jenny Beth Martin Tea Party Patriots Steve Moore Economic Adviser to the Trump Campaign and Trump-Pence Transition Tom Fitton Judicial Watch Seton Motley Less Government CL Bryant FreedomWorks Phil Kerpen American Commitment Debbie Dooley Tea Party Patriots Board Member John Berry California Tea Party Patriots Activist Gregg Cummings Iowa Tea Party Patriots Activist Emery…Read More

Graham-Cassidy bill builds momentum

With a September 30 deadline looming, the clock is ticking and lawmakers are working to gain support for legislation that would do SOMETHING to provide relief from ObamaCare. The Graham-Cassidy bill, sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA), would remove the individual and employer mandates and shift as much control and funds…

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Obamacare Repeal: Understanding the Graham-Cassidy Bill

The Senate parliamentarian has ruled that Republicans can only repeal ObamaCare with a 51-vote majority until September 30. After that, the reconciliation vehicle that allows them to avoid a Democrat filibuster will expire. Consequently, some Republican Senators – led by Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy – are pushing very hard for one last vote. Yesterday,…Read More