Fire Koskinen, Bring Accountability to IRS

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to reports the IRS re-hired hundreds of employees let go for offenses ranging from falsifying documents to failure to pay taxes. “It has been clear for years that the IRS is out of control. Under President Obama,…

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Are you outraged that, after years of campaigning on repealing Obamacare, it was a handful of moderate Republicans that killed the repeal efforts a few weeks ago? Are you tired of the mainstream media doing everything possible to derail President Trump’s agenda? Are you tired of “the Swamp” resisting the change that the American people…Read More

Open Skies

Our nation has a rich history of advancing trade policies that embody the virtues of the free market, a commitment to human rights, and the core principles of America’s founding. International trade has been a cornerstone of our nation's economic success and exceptional nature. Trade agreements only work, however, if both parties abide by the…Read More

Obamacare Congressional Exemption

This [congressional exemption from ObamaCare] is an issue of fundamental fairness. Lawmakers are not above the laws that they pass and I believe that it is crucial that Members of Congress abide by the same laws that their own constituents follow. Sen. Ted Cruz Congress isn't living under ObamaCare. Yes, you read that correctly. Congress…Read More

Obamacare’s number 1 success: ‘Sucking vast sums of money from the private sector’

For the past 7 years, Obamacare has wreaked havoc on our health care system, leaving Americans with fewer health care choices and higher insurance premiums. Thanks to Obamacare Repeal Traitors in the Senate Republican Conference, Obamacare will continue to cause problems for Americans and for the delivery of health care in our country until the…

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President Trump continues to keep his promise to enforce our immigration laws

For 8 years, the Obama administration carelessly turned a blind eye to the enforcement of our immigration laws, granting millions of illegal immigrants amnesty. President Trump and his administration are making efforts to properly enforce our immigration laws and those efforts are making a difference. Newly released documents are shedding some light on just how…

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