JOIN US: Wear red Wednesday to wish President Trump many happy returns!

Tea Party Patriots staff and grassroots activists from across the nation Wednesday will show their pride in the red, white and blue and in their commander in chief, President Donald J. Trump, by wearing read for the business mogul’s 71st birthday. Will you join us in wearing red to show support for the president and his blueprint for a freer, safer and more prosperous America?
“The media, the intolerant left and the Washington establishment are doing everything they can to undermine the president and the agenda that the American people voted for. In a show of solidarity, let’s stand up to support the president on his birthday,” reads a recent Tea Party Patriots statement.
Not sure what to wear? Wear a Trump T-shirt, a “Make America Great Again” hat, an American flag lapel pin or throw on your most patriot tank and shorts. Click here to commit to wearing red Wednesday, June 14th and showing our president that we care about his agenda and that – unlike so many in the media right now – we wish him MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY!