This tweet brilliantly illustrates a major problem with Obamacare


Washington Examiner reporter Sarah Westwood Wednesday captured and tweeted an image during Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s daily briefing in which he compared the Obamacare legislation passed into law in 2009 to the so-called Obamacare repeal bill being negotiated.

“Side by side healthcare bills (GOP versus Obamacare) on the props table in the briefing room today,” writes Westwood.

President Obama’s signature health-insurance law and the regulations that come with it are nearly 23,000 pages long, the Daily Caller reported. Journalist Penny Starr, formerly of CNS News, reported that – for every word contained in the Obamacare law – there are 30 additional words of regulation. Compare that with the latest so-called Obamacare repeal bill up for debate.

The new GOP bill, at a fraction of the pages, dwarfs its Obamacare predecessor in size but is nevertheless considered by many who voted for now-President Donald J. Trump on the promise of a full repeal to be a disappointing piece of legislation.

Inspired by President Trump’s tweet stating “Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation,” however, Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin met with the president to do just that: speak on behalf of the American people and convey Americans’ concerns and frustrations with the GOP repeal bill.

“One of the most important things I conveyed during the meetings today at the White House is that we, the nation’s largest grassroots tea party organization, worked tirelessly last fall to help President Trump succeed in the election. One of our chief objectives in 2016 was keeping the issue of repealing Obamacare front and center. We succeeded in doing that, and we are looking forward to repealing Obamacare – fully and completely,” writes Jenny Beth in a Facebook post published after the meeting.

“These meetings were not about me, but were, instead, a testament to the difference you are making in the tea party movement. Thank you for standing for healthcare freedom with me for so many years. Thank you for everything you are doing to help us continue the effort for full repeal of Obamacare, which has saddled our economy, excessively complicated our tax code, and made a mess of our nation’s healthcare system,” she said.

“The time for full repeal is now. President Trump’s success here will be our success!”

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