Feds: Illegal immigrants kidnapping children to increase chance of entering U.S.

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A spokesperson for the Obama administration Tuesday during a federal appeals court said illegal immigrants are trying to increase their chances of entering the U.S. by snatching children and using them to pose as family units – one of the most alarming revelations yet on the immigration front.

The Washington Times has the details:

Leon Fresco, a deputy assistant attorney general who handles immigration cases, made the stunning claim as he defended the administration’s policy of detaining illegal immigrant parents and children caught traveling together as they jump the border. After a federal judge last year ordered the families quickly released, Mr. Fresco said it’s served as an enticement for kidnapping.

“When people now know that when I come as a family unit, I won’t be apprehended and detained — we now have people being abducted so that they can be deemed as family units, so that they can avoid detention,” Mr. Fresco told the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

He did not back up that claim in court, and did not respond to a follow-up email seeking comment. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles detention and deportation, declined to comment, citing the ongoing case, while Customs and Border Protection, which guards the border, did not respond to a request for comment.

There is a cost to failing to enforce our immigration laws – not only to America but to bordering nations and their children, too. It’s time for President Obama to stop going around Congress and to insist immigrants come here legally. Click here to help Tea Party Patriots encourage our lawmakers to pressure the president into enforcing our immigration laws!