Time for Republicans to Keep Their Promises to Fully Repeal ObamaCare

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to the abandonment of the Senate’s watered-down ObamaCare repeal effort.
“Now that Senate Republicans have abandoned their watered-down ObamaCare repeal efforts, we are hopeful that this will be the start of a new day in Washington. The time to drain the swamp and keep the promises made to the American people has finally come. If Republican senators wish not to squander their majority, they will work in good faith to fully repeal ObamaCare as they promised time and time again. Full repeal means getting rid of all of the taxes, penalties, and mandates and freeing up the market so Americans have more choices, more freedom, and more affordability in the health insurance market. Working in good faith and truly keeping this critical promise will earn Republicans favor with the American people that will be highly important when the time comes to move on to other critical issues such as tax reform and growing the economy. We would like to thank the senators who have worked tirelessly to improve health insurance policy and encourage all senators to finally listen to the millions of people outside of the beltway who have been clamoring for full repeal of ObamaCare and less government involvement in the health insurance market.”