
Donate Today and Make a Difference Tea Party Patriots Action works to promote conservative values, to hold our lawmakers accountable for their actions, and to ensure the prosperity and freedom on which our nation was founded. The grassroots outreach of Tea Party Patriots Action is made possible by generous donations from our supporters. We depend…

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Harvard Professors Call for Schools to Open

As we get closer and closer to the first day of school, it is becoming clear some states and counties don’t want to open. This would be a disaster for children, especially for those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, while doing nothing to stop COVID-19. Four professors at the Harvard School of Public Health argue: Prolonged…

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Churches Are Under Assault

Last weekend multiple churches were burned, and statues were vandalized in communities ranging from Florida to California. Police are still working to catch the perpetrators, but it is clear that at least some of these incidents are connected to Antifa and the protests that have consumed America in recent weeks. Working to end racial injustice…

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TPP Action Rejects Biden $2 Trillion “Clean Energy” Plan

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today in advance of Joe Biden’s speech calling for a $2 trillion “clean energy” plan.  “Joe Biden is hopelessly, helplessly, haplessly liberal. Government spending and borrowing are already at record highs — last month’s deficit alone was $864 BILLION! — and yet he wants to…

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Thank You For Your Donation

With your support, we are serving and supporting thousands of local Tea Party groups as they work to return our communities and our nation to the principles of our Founding Fathers. Tea Party Patriots Action is a grassroots organization funded by grassroots Americans like you. Together, we are working to resource and mobilize millions of…Read More

Thank You For Your Donation

With your support, we are serving and supporting thousands of local Tea Party groups as they work to return our communities and our nation to the principles of our Founding Fathers. Tea Party Patriots Action is a grassroots organization funded by grassroots Americans like you. Together, we are working to resource and mobilize millions of…Read More