Tea Party Patriots Weekly Report from Washington for 3/19/17

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CALENDAR: The House will return Monday, with no votes scheduled before 6:30 PM. The House leadership is hoping to be done for the week on Thursday, but they’ve notified Members to be prepared for a late night. The Senate will return Tuesday, with the first vote set to take place at noon. The Senate is…

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ICE cracks down on three states harboring illegal-immigrants with criminal records

Officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tuesday said they arrested a total of nearly 250 illegal immigrants in three different states who have a record of crime or are facing criminal charges and that the arrests largely took place in Philadelphia. The Washington Examiner has the story: The focus was Philadelphia, a so-called “sanctuary city”…

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AG Sessions: Law-enforcement personnel under President Trump have ‘our steadfast support’

Eyeglasses with newspaper and coffee cup

Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an event in Richmond, Virginia earlier this week expressed a deep regard for America’s law-enforcement men and women, assuring them that they have the unwavering support of their commander in chief and those in the attorney general’s office. The Washington Examiner has the story: The attorney general, speaking to an…

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Jenny Beth’s Journal: Senate Republicans should do everything in their power to free Americans from Obamacare’s grip

Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin in her inaugural column for The Hill says Senate Republicans need to respect the wave of Obamacare opponents who voted them into office on the promise the disastrous health-insurance law would be repealed – anything less will jeopardize their legislative stints. Read the commentary: When the Democrats rammed…

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Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘We must honor our promise and repeal Obamacare’

Sen. Ted Cruz during a speech given during our “Day of Action” event with FreedomWorks on Capitol Hill Wednesday said members of Congress must do what the American people elected them to do and that is repeal Obamacare as promised. The Washington Examiner has the details: “We must honor our promise and repeal Obamacare. For…

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Tea Party Patriots: Trump Administration Budget a Good Start

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to the Trump Administration’s first budget blueprint. “The budget released by the Trump Administration today is a good start. It makes substantial cuts to ineffective programs and eliminates entire agencies that are unnecessary or wasteful uses of…

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