What Are Your Biggest Concerns for the November 2018 Elections?

The media, liberals, socialists, Antifa, and the Democrat Party - all part of the anti-Trump “resistance” - are ratcheting up their calls to impeach President Trump for no actual, legal reason. In fact, last week the word “impeach” was mentioned in the media 222 in a single day. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters oppose…Read More

What Are Your Biggest Concerns for the November 2018 Elections?

The media, liberals, socialists, Antifa, and the Democrat Party - all part of the anti-Trump “resistance” - are ratcheting up their calls to impeach President Trump for no actual, legal reason. In fact, last week the word “impeach” was mentioned in the media 222 in a single day. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters oppose…Read More

Support Kavanaugh

President Donald J. Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States this week. Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin released a statement following the announcement: “Tea Party Patriots Action and our network of supporters and grassroots activists across the country thank President Donald Trump for nominating Brett Kavanaugh to…Read More

Tea Party Patriots 10th Anniversary

READ ABOUT OUR 4/15 TAX DAY TEA PARTY RALLIES [rev_slider_vc alias="stop-socialism-choose-freedom-rally"] Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, we were able to showcase freedom fighters like Mark Levin, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Jennifer Zeng, who escaped from communist China after being tortured for her religious beliefs. Milton Friedman once said that “our basic…Read More

Make Washington Work Again Conference

Please join us in Washington, D.C. by noon on Tuesday, July 24th, through Wednesday, July 25th, for an exclusive opportunity to hear briefings from speakers, network with like-minded patriots, and attend a keynote dinner. We will be holding a private showing of a new documentary we will be releasing and your registration will include your…Read More


WATCH THE OFFICIAL TRAILER ABOUT THE FILM When father of eight, Josh Malone, invents a genius way to fill 100 water balloons in 60 seconds, his invention "Bunch O Balloons" becomes an overnight success on Kickstarter and an international viral hit! Scrambling to get his idea to market and bring financial security to his family,…Read More