TPPCF Endorses Mike Lee for U.S. Senate

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed U.S. Sen. Mike Lee for reelection to the United State Senate:
“Since Mike Lee came to the Senate in 2011, he has been a stalwart warrior for the Constitution. His determination to defend and promote individual liberty and limited government has set an example for others.
“His determination to heed the Constitution led him to strongly oppose the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Beginning with S. 2850, the Biden Can’t Force Me Act, Sen. Lee introduced a dozen bills to defend American citizens’ rights to refuse the vaccine without losing their employment. He spent 19 days on the floor of the Senate, explaining the various aspects of the various bills he was introducing, and using that time to educate his fellow citizens as to the realities of Biden’s unconstitutional maneuvers.
“Sen. Lee supports lower taxes, less regulation, and free markets. He opposes deficit spending and wants to pay off the national debt because he knows that it represents intergenerational theft. He believes in personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future.
“He opposes President Biden’s illegal student loan payoff scam. He said it will ‘fuel inflation, increase the cost of education, and further the divide between rich and poor.’
“Therefore, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse U.S. Sen. Mike Lee for reelection to the United States Senate, and I urge all voters in Utah to make a plan to be a voter for him in the November general election.”