TPPCF Endorses Kari Lake for Governor

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed Kari Lake for Governor of Arizona.
“Kari Lake will be a warrior for our shared values of limited government and individual liberty. She opposes vaccine and mask mandates, and is committed to securing our elections, so that we can all be assured that our government truly rests on the consent of the governed.
“Kari has a simple belief about school choice – it works. As she says of her plan, ‘This is 100% school choice, without barriers – you decide what’s best for your kid, and you direct your tax dollars towards the educational opportunities that fit your family’s needs.’
“Further, she says, ‘School choice improves outcomes for children of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. That’s why we’re going to fund students, not systems. As parents, you decide where you want your kid to go to school, send them there, and their state funding will follow them. No waitlist, no applications, not hurdles or hoops to jump through, period.’
“Just as important, Kari is a resident of a border state. She has seen first-hand the devastation wrought by the drug cartels and their control of the border, and by the Biden Administration’s refusal to honor its obligation to defend our national sovereignty by securing our border. Kari is determined to end the crisis and has committed herself and her gubernatorial administration to doing at the state level what the Biden Administration will not do at the federal level – secure the border. She has outlined detailed plans for the creation of an interstate compact to do just that. As she says, ‘If Washington refuses to honor its constitutional requirements, states have every recourse and responsibility to take matters into their own hands.’
“Consequently, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse Kari Lake for Governor of Arizona, and I urge all voters in Arizona to make a plan to be a voter for her in the November general election.”