TPPCF Endorses Anna Paulina Luna for Congress

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed Anna Paulina Luna for Congress in the seat representing Florida’s 13th Congressional District:
“As an Air Force veteran married to an Air Force Combat Controller who was wounded in Afghanistan, Anna Paulina Luna has already served her country – and now she wants to serve in a different way, as a Member of Congress.
“Anna believes in the Tea Party values of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future. She is a strong Constitutional conservative and will be a strong voice in the Congress for individual liberty and limited government.
“She is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, and strongly supports law enforcement. She has promised to ‘fight to finish the border wall, end DACA, restore President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, and crackdown on criminal illegals in America.’ She opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants and opposes a pathway to citizenship.
“She will fight for reduced taxes and less regulation, so we can generate the kind of economic growth we’re going to need to pay off our enormous national debt. And she opposes the reckless spending that has created the worst inflation in 40 years.
“When it comes to education, she wants to ‘expand school choice, ensure parents’ rights, protect women’s sports, and ensure civic literacy.’
“Consequently, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse Anna Paulina Luna for Congress in the seat representing Florida’s 13th Congressional District, and I urge all voters in Florida’s 13th District to make a plan to be a voter for her in the November general election.”