Tea Party Patriots Thanks House Freedom Caucus for Filing a Privileged Resolution to Impeach IRS Commissioner Koskinen

Tea Party Patriots CEO and Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today thanking Rep. Fleming and Rep. Huelskamp for filing a privileged resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.
“Tea Party Patriots is extremely grateful that Rep. Fleming (R-LA) and Rep. Huelskamp (R-KS) have filed a privileged resolution to force a vote on impeaching IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for lying under oath and obstructing investigation into the IRS targeting of conservatives for their political beliefs. As one of the groups targeted by the IRS, Tea Party Patriots and our supporters and activists across the country have been deeply impacted by the misuse of government power. The IRS admitted targeting conservative groups based on their political beliefs in 2013, but three years later no one has been held accountable. While Commissioner Koskinen was not leading the IRS at the time the agency admitted the targeting, he lied to Congress under oath and failed to notify Congress that key evidence had gone missing. It is long past time for Congress to hold the IRS accountable by impeaching IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. We hope that all members of Congress will put aside their differences and stand with the American people against the abuse of government power by impeaching Commissioner Koskinen and finally delivering some accountability to President Obama’s out-of-control IRS.”