Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases

Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to House Passage of H.R. 1

Atlanta, GA – On Wednesday night, the Democrat-led House approved HR 1, a sweeping “election reform” bill. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:   “H.R. 1 is proof that Democrats don’t just want to change public policy — they want to fundamentally transform our governing institutions to their advantage. They want to take their temporary majority and make it a permanent fact of life. The fact that Democrats are calling it an ‘election integrity bill’ is Orwellian. In fact, H.R. 1 will do the exact opposite – gutting the integrity of our elections and our government. H.R. 1 will codify virtually all the irregularities we saw in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, spread them across the country, and then take them to the next level. “Among other things, H.R. 1 will make voter ID illegal. Voter ID is our best defense against widespread fraud, and the Democrats know it. H.R. 1 should be known as the ‘Incumbent Protection Act,’ because it will enhance the reelection prospects of incumbents, to the detriment of challengers — and to the detriment of the voters’ right to hold their lawmakers accountable. “This is a terrible bill, but its passage is a useful reminder of how far Democrats can and will go to advance their power, even at the cost of running roughshod over minority protections. “We will continue to oppose this legislation in the Senate, where, we hope, minority rights and election integrity will be better protected.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges “No” Vote on House Stimulus Bill

Atlanta, GA – Today, the House is expected to vote on a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.  In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:  “This is one of the worst bills I can remember. If House Democrats have their way, we are going to steal another $1.9 trillion from our children and spend it for no good reason. We have already spent $5 trillion on coronavirus relief since the Covid pandemic started. We do not need an additional $1.9 trillion when the unemployment rate is at an historically-average 6.3 percent, a rate lower than it was during the entire first six years of the Obama Administration. Moreover, we just passed a coronavirus relief bill in December, and that money has not even been spent yet. Further, according to CBO estimates, more than a third of the money in this bill wouldn’t even be spent until 2022. Worst of all, this bill isn’t just wasteful, it’s actually counterproductive — it reduces pressure on state and local governments to work to find ways to reopen businesses and schools. This is a bill designed to keep the lockdowns going. This is not what the American people want. This bill should go down, and Congress should go back to the drawing board.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Democrats to Keep Filibuster

Atlanta, GA – With the Senate parliamentarian ruling against the inclusion of a $15 minimum wage hike in the stimulus bill, Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged her colleagues to get rid of the filibuster.   In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:  “During the 2020 election, we warned the American people that, if given the chance, Senate Democrats would try to eliminate the filibuster if they deemed it necessary to advance their radical agenda. The Democrats don’t just want to change public policy, they want to fundamentally transform our governing institutions to their advantage. They want to take their temporary majority and turn it into permanent control. As recently as a few years ago, the overwhelming majority of Democratic senators recognized the significance of the filibuster in terms of protecting minority rights and fostering bipartisan cooperation. They understood that the Founders meant for the House and the Senate to perform different functions, and they knew that their revered former Majority Leader — Robert Byrd of West Virginia — had it right when he spoke of an earlier attempt to overturn the filibuster and said, ‘How sad will be the legacy of those senators who vote to assassinate freedom of speech in the Senate of the United States. What a blotch upon the escutcheon of the great basic liberty of the people. How sad.’ Now, a new generation of far-left Democrats, led by Senators Warren and Sanders, are seeking to eliminate a 184-year-old institution — just because it won’t accede to their woke ideology. We urge reasonable Democrats, who understand the importance of protecting minority rights, like Senators Manchin, Feinstein, and Sinema, and others, to stand strong to preserve the protection of minority rights in the Senate.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to the Passing of Rush Limbaugh

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman, Jenny Beth Martin, released the following statement after hearing about the passing of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh:  “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Rush Limbaugh. He was a legend in every sense of the word. He not only gave conservatives a powerful voice, he inspired and encouraged tens of millions of our fellow citizens to embrace ideas that allowed them to achieve the American Dream — in Ronald Reagan’s words, to become whatever God intended them to become. Rush helped change America for the better, and his legacy will long outlast those of his detractors. We thank him for his unmatched contribution to the country he dearly loved. He will truly be missed. We will remember him and his loved ones in our prayers.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden Plan for Reopening Schools

Atlanta, GA – Today, the Biden administration admitted that its plan to reopen the nation’s schools would only see about half the children back in classrooms, for as little as one day per week. Additionally. the proposal could apply to as few as 50 percent of schools by the end of April. In other words, the Biden Administration is delivering on about 10 percent of the Biden campaign’s promises. Responding to this stunning revelation, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today: "Psych!" “Getting just 10 percent of what Joe Biden and his pals promised you? That is what you voted for. “We tried to warn you. The Democrats don’t care about you. They just wanted your vote. “Union leaders don’t care about their workers, just their long time pals in government. “Teachers unions don’t care about kids, just themselves. “President Biden himself said closed classrooms were a ‘national emergency.’ If that’s the case, the plan he is offering should be graded F-minus.  It’s clear Biden is afraid of the teachers unions and won’t hold them to account. “Meanwhile, our kids continue to suffer from the deficiencies of virtual education. They deserve better. “Get used to it, America. Or don’t. Stand up for what’s right. Join us, and as we continue to work to help you get your kids back in school.” TPPA has been a leader on this issue since Day One. In 2020, Ms. Martin a letter to then-President Trump to urge him to revise the guidelines for reopening schools that was signed by over 150 doctors, 70 national groups, 240 nurses and other health professionals as well as over 330 professors and teachers. She later met with President Trump and Vice President Pence to discuss the issue. The video of...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to the Passing of the Sanders Budget Resolution

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement regarding the passage of the Sanders Budget Resolution.  “Senate Democrats do it again. They claim bipartisanship as Senate Republicans agree to work with them, but then strip most bipartisan amendments once their own are passed. After claiming unity, Senate Democrats voted in lockstep to strip three major bipartisan amendments that prohibited illegal immigrants from receiving stimulus checks, supported fracking, and supported the Keystone XL pipeline. Nothing new here. Democrats claim they will be bipartisan and work with Republicans — but when the time comes, they show who they really are.” 
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Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Poor Leadership on Reopening Schools

Atlanta, GA – Today, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden will not call upon local teachers unions to return to the classroom. In Chicago, Los Angeles, and many other school districts across the country, teachers are refusing to go back to the classroom.   Responding to Psaki’s statement, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today: “Joe Biden is failing the leadership test, and the biggest victims are students and their parents. The whole country, and indeed the whole world, is watching Biden’s handling of this issue – seeing this is an early test of what kind of President he will be. In the first year of his Presidency, Ronald Reagan was similarly tested by a union – the air traffic controllers union — and when Reagan took bold and decisive action, everyone took notice — even leaders of the Soviet Union. They realized quickly that Reagan was not a pushover. He was a man to be respected. In Biden’s case, he could use the bully pulpit to demand that all teachers return to the classroom, as long as the teacher and members of the teacher’s household are not in a high-risk category for COVID-19. I know the Mayor of Chicago would appreciate President Biden stepping in and showing leadership. In the meantime, our kids continue to suffer from the deficiencies of virtual instruction.  That’s just outrageous.” TPPA has been a leader on this issue since Day One. In 2020, Ms. Martin a letter to then-President Trump to urge him to revise the guidelines for reopening schools that was signed by over 150 doctors, 70 national groups, 240 nurses and other health professionals as well as over 330 professors and teachers. She later met with President Trump and Vice President...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Opposes Today’s Vote to Impeach President Trump

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin – responding to today’s vote in the House of Representatives to impeach President Trump – released the following statement: “We oppose today’s action to impeach President Trump because we believe in the rule of law, and because we support the president’s right to speak freely, and because we do not believe that President Trump incited insurrection.  “The article of impeachment asserts that President Trump incited insurrection, without offering any specific evidence of language to incite. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in a 2018 case that ‘What is required to forfeit constitutional protection is incitement speech that specifically advocates for listeners to take unlawful action.’ The president did no such thing. What he did instead was to urge his listeners peaceably to petition our government for redress of specific grievances, which is not only lawful, but also foundational to our system of self-government.  “What unfolded at the Capitol by some rally attendees was shameful and unlawful conduct. It was clearly done despite what President Trump urged – the peaceful exercise of our Constitutional rights. To assign blame to the president for the criminal acts of certain people requires a gross distortion of the clear language he used. “Further, the House is rushing to judgment. No hearings have been held, no witnesses have offered testimony, and no facts have been entered into the record.  “Moreover, we believe it is time to heal, and we believe this effort to impeach the president will only fuel further discord. This is not the way to unite us. “Consequently, we oppose this effort to impeach the president, and urge its defeat.”
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TPPA Applauds Senate’s Confirmation of Judge Barrett to Supreme Court

The Senate approved Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court today. Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement. “Despite the fierce resistance of the Democrat party and the mainstream media, President Trump and Senate Republicans were able to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in less than 40 days in the heart of a presidential campaign. That’s an incredible achievement.  Judge Barrett is exactly the kind of justice President Trump promised to nominate to our nation’s highest court — from a list he published in 2016, then updated, and then updated again — and he’s done it three times in four years. We thank all the Senators who voted for Judge Barrett today, especially Leader McConnell and Chairman Graham, who were indispensable to this process. And Sens. Sullivan, McSally, Gardner, Loeffler, Perdue, Ernst, Daines, and Tillis, each of whom stood up to fierce opposition to do the right thing, deserve special thanks. The conservative grassroots are energized by Judge Barrett’s confirmation, and we have no doubt she will serve our court with great distinction.”
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TPPA Launches Petition to Support Senate Republican Proposals to Prevent Court Packing

Senate Republicans have introduced two proposals to prevent "court packing." The first proposal would prevent the expansion or contraction of the Supreme Court by constitutional amendment, also known as the “Keep Nine” amendment. The second proposal would stop Democrats from unilaterally passing any court-packing legislation in the U.S. Senate. Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) has launched a petition in support of the proposals.  TPPA  Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today. “Democrats are determined to ‘pack’ the Supreme Court and politicize our judicial system, turning the highest court in the land into a rubber stamp for the executive branch. Congress needs to take action, and needs to do it now. The constitutional and legislative proposals introduced by six Republican Senators this week are exactly what we need. Their proposals will keep the number of Supreme Court justice at nine – a number that’s been in effect for over 150 years. TPPA is doing its part, launching a petition in support of their proposals. We’re educating and motivating the grassroots, because the future of the Supreme Court is truly at stake.  We thank Senators Cruz, Tillis, McSally, Wicker, Loeffler, and Hyde-Smith for their leadership on this issue.”   To read or sign the petition, click here: https://holdthenine.act.teapartypatriots.org/
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