Tea Party Patriots Action Endorses Jordan for Speaker

Atlanta, GA – Today, Tea Party Patriots Act (TPPA) endorsed Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan for Speaker. TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“Jim Jordan has been a consistent conservative leader since he came to the House in 2007. He has always fought for limited government, a strong national defense, and individual liberty, and he shares Tea Party Patriots Action’s values in support of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future.
“He has built a record of conservative leadership second to none. His work as a committee chairman, leading to passage in the House of the strongest border security legislation ever, shows that he can build coalitions. But he has not been a rubber stamp for the GOP leadership; rather, he has been willing to stand up to his party’s leaders when he believed they were deviating from conservative principles – so much so that he became one of the founders and leaders of the House Freedom Caucus – and his determination to speak his mind is legendary. He recognized that there were significant irregularities in the 2020 election, and he had the courage to stand up to the Swamp and speak his mind about it.
“Perhaps most importantly, he does what he said he would do, and he keeps the promises he makes.
“There has been much discussion over the last few days about the possibility of raising the threshold to initiate a motion to vacate against the Speaker. We believe it should remain right where it is, at one.
“The next Speaker of the House will face enormous challenges in working with the Biden Administration and the Senate to right our nation’s course, to return to fiscal discipline, and to defend our interests at home and abroad. He will need to be ready to fight to secure our border, to get Washington’s reckless spending under control, to end the weaponization of government against its citizens, and to end the woke policies guiding our military.
“We believe Jim Jordan is the right man for the job. On behalf of our three million members and supporters, I am pleased to endorse Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House.”