What Are Your Biggest Concerns for the November 2018 Elections?

The media, liberals, socialists, Antifa, and the Democrat Party - all part of the anti-Trump “resistance” - are ratcheting up their calls to impeach President Trump for no actual, legal reason. In fact, last week the word “impeach” was mentioned in the media 222 in a single day. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters oppose…Read More

What Are Your Biggest Concerns for the November 2018 Elections?

The media, liberals, socialists, Antifa, and the Democrat Party - all part of the anti-Trump “resistance” - are ratcheting up their calls to impeach President Trump for no actual, legal reason. In fact, last week the word “impeach” was mentioned in the media 222 in a single day. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters oppose…Read More

What Are Your Biggest Concerns for the November 2018 Elections?

The media, liberals, socialists, Antifa, and the Democrat Party - all part of the anti-Trump “resistance” - are ratcheting up their calls to impeach President Trump for no actual, legal reason. In fact, last week the word “impeach” was mentioned in the media 222 in a single day. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters oppose…Read More

Support Kavanaugh

President Donald J. Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States this week. Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin released a statement following the announcement: “Tea Party Patriots Action and our network of supporters and grassroots activists across the country thank President Donald Trump for nominating Brett Kavanaugh to…Read More

Jenny Beth Martin FreedomFest Remarks

Good morning, and thank you for coming out so early. Given that we’re in Las Vegas, I’m reminded of something Frank Sinatra used to say – he felt sorry for people who don’t drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that’s the best they’re going to feel all day. Now, I don’t drink.…

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