Stop Trafficking

Recently, Americans’ eyes have been opened to the evil of child sex trafficking, thanks to the release of the movie, Sound of Freedom. Child sex trafficking is facilitated by multiple factors. Two areas where we can make a difference are fighting to secure our border/enforce immigration law and stopping schools from sexualizing children, which makes…

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Impeach Joe Biden

During August, members of Congress are home on recess. So, for the rest of the month, we are asking you to make calls, and then to also visit their local offices. Tell them to begin the impeachment inquiry for Joe Biden when they return in September. While the Department of Justice and FBI target and…

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Defend Clarence Thomas

For more than thirty years now, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has stood in the breach, fighting the liberal assaults on every front, holding firm as a bulwark who stands for God, the United States of America, and the Constitution. His refusal to bow to the liberals is one of the reasons we still have…

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