Tea Party Patriots Action's mission is to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists. Our vision is for a nation where individual liberty is cherished and maximized, where the Constitution is revered and upheld, and where Americans are free to pursue their American Dream.


We are most free when the Constitution is followed, and all Americans can live life the way they want, as long as it does not harm others or infringe on their rights.


A growing economy, with reduced tax rates and government spending, gives businesses the ability to hire more people and us all a chance to earn more.


Increasing the US debt puts an undue burden on future generations. It is only fair and right to pay the debt we have incurred so our children are not stuck with our bills.

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Tea Party Patriots Action works to promote conservative values, to hold our lawmakers accountable for their actions, and to ensure the prosperity and freedom on which our nation was founded.

The grassroots outreach of Tea Party Patriots Action is made possible by generous donations from our supporters. We depend on each and every one of you to preserve the American Dream. Help spread the message of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future by making a contribution to our efforts.