Trump Defense Team

We launched the Trump Defense Team in order to push back against Nancy Pelosi’s decision to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump. This revelation is absolutely absurd, because just like in the Russia hoax, President Trump did nothing wrong. In fact, President Trump was simply trying to get to the bottom of the…

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Tonight’s Democratic Debate Question: Is Bernie Sexist?

Democratic Debates are typically filled with empty promises, so hearing calls for free healthcare, college, and more will be nothing new. But, something previously unexpected that will, undoubtedly, be discussed during tonight’s debate is the story that broke earlier this week. Earlier this week CNN ran a story that claimed in a private 2018 meeting,…

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Big Government Hurts the Homeless

Socialists claim the only way to lift people out of poverty is through federal government programs. In reality, big government often keeps people in poverty by preventing local groups from effectively responding to the situation on the ground. Matt Weidinger, Resident Fellow in Poverty Studies at AEI, reports on how the federal government is preventing…

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Out-of-control spending off Democrats’ radar

Despite a national debt that keeps soaring, Democratic presidential contenders are proposing plans that would increase our national debt instead of shrinking it. Fox Business reports: Almost a decade after out-of-control spending and borrowing fueled the Tea Party revolution in a historic midterm election, no major presidential candidates from either party seem interested in the…

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One In Four Judges Are Trump Nominees

This month, President Donald Trump passed two incredible milestones when it comes to the restoration of the Federal Judiciary. With incredible help from the Senate GOP, specifically Mitch McConnell, Linsday Graham, and Chuck Grassley, Trump has appointed 50 Circuit court judges. This means that one in every four judges on the circuit courts has been appointed by this…

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Moderate Democrats are Socialists in Sheep’s Clothing

The mainstream media portrays the Democrat presidential primary as a fight between socialists and moderates for the party’s future. On one side, Sen. Bernie Sanders has embraced the label of democratic-socialist and pushes for policies like government-run health care and free college for all. Candidates like Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg portray themselves as the moderate…

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