- Winston Churchill
Covid was a dream for wanna-be tyrants, and unfortunately, there are too many Americans whose identities are either wrapped up in virtue signaling and feeling morally superior to others, or who have been manipulated with panic porn and are willing to go along with the tyranny.
It's time to Just Say No:
Say no to forced masking. Say no to lockdowns. Say no to any attempts of new lockdowns. Say no to school contact tracing. Say no to quarantining children "exposed" to the virus. Say no to mandatory testing. Say no to forced vaccines. Say no to medical mandates. Say YES to freedom.
This is urgent. As Winston Churchill stated so eloquently, now is the time to fight, because it will only get harder to defend our liberty. It will not get easier.
Fight with us today by signing up to host a protest. We will be with you every step of the way, so if you've never organized a protest before, there is no need to worry. We will help you.
Sign up today!
We have two sign designs available to print – a full graphic design and a mostly blank sign, where you can write your own messages (See our How-To Guide for message ideas). Your local big box or craft store can also provide you with various sizes of paper and display boards to make your own signs.

This “how-to” guide is designed for individual activists and groups alike. We have included several valuable resources to help you make a difference.
Every call counts, so we’ve made this guide to help you discuss this issue with the people in your community and the lawmakers you elected.