Fulton County Judge Grants Motion to Unseal in Favorito vs. Cooney, Tea Party Patriots Foundation Reacts

TPPF Filed Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Petitioner
Atlanta, GA – On Friday, a judge in Fulton County, Georgia granted the motion to unseal in the case Favorito v. Cooney. Earlier this month, Tea Party Patriots Foundation (TPPF) filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the petitioner’s motion to unseal paper ballots and compel production of ballots. Under the ruling, the petitioner is allowed to inspect and scan the ballots. Further order of the court will lay out the protocols. In response, TPPF President Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“This is a big win for all those who care about election integrity and want to make sure that future elections are conducted the right way. This is a critical issue for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. For the American people to accept election results, there has to be confidence in the process. As of right now, there is a lack of confidence in that process and that confidence must be restored. Today’s ruling is an important step in giving us the answers we need to move forward and rebuild trust.”