Phone Pledge

Phone PledgeThank you for answering our telephone call and responding to our special drive with your pledge.The grassroots outreach of the Tea Party Patriots is made possible by generous donations from our supporters. Help spread the message of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future by making a contribution to our efforts.[dhvc_form id="86592"]Read More

The American Health Care Act: Overview

KEY ISSUES American Health Care Act | Insurance Company Mandates | Medicaid Expansion | Tax Credits | Senate Parliamentarian | F.A.Q. Below you’ll find a summary of information on the American Health Care Act, the GOP’s failed attempt to fully repeal and replace ObamaCare. In the following information you’ll learn why the GOP’s plan fails, how it leaves in place some of the worst parts…Read More

Petition Thank You

Thank you for your continued support. We've recorded your signature on our petition and will ensure your voice is heard! With your support, we are serving and supporting thousands of local Tea Party groups as they work to return our communities and our nation to the principles of our Founding Fathers. The Tea Party movement…Read More

Martin: Rep. Price Will Fight to Repeal Obamacare

Eyeglasses with newspaper and coffee cup

Atlanta, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today reacting to the news that President-elect Donald Trump has selected Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. “Tom Price is an outstanding choice to be Secretary of Health and Human Services;…

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Beware the lame duck

Eyeglasses with newspaper and coffee cup

The election might be over, but Congress still has time to grow the government and spend more of your hard-earned money with the lame-duck session. Yet again, lawmakers have to vote on a massive spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. What’s the worst that can happen in a lame-duck session? Conservative Review has some…

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