May 13 – May 17, 2013 – DCIntervention (Archive)

May 13 – May 17, 2013

This week’s toolkit focuses on the many empty promises in S. 744, the Senate Amnesty Bill.  In the same way that Obamacare made empty promises that have all turned out to be false, the Senate is pushing this amnesty bill by making numerous promises to the American people.  We want to make sure we hold the Senate accountable and not allow them to pass another massive piece of legislation with hollow promises that will fall by the wayside as soon as the bill becomes law.

Here’s a list of recommended actions for this week:


1. Talking points: Provided to help you speak to the issues at hand.

2. Sample blog post/Facebook post: Need an idea of what to post on your personal blog or Facebook page that relates to this week’s theme? We’ve got you covered. Feel free to edit this sample to fit your personality.

3. Sample letter to the editor: Use our template to write an effective letter to the editor and help spread our message this week!



Tuesday is Social Media Blitz Day and also “Tweet it Tuesday!” Help us spread the message on social network. We’ve created some sample Tweets and Facebook posts to help get you started.



The best way to have a direct impact on your Senators is by calling or writing a letter.  We encourage you to call your Senators’ DC offices to tell them that we do not want empty promises this time around.

If you want to have maximum impact, gather a few of your friends, visit one of your Senators’ local offices, and each of you hand deliver a letter expressing your concerns about the Amnesty Bill. We have also provided a sample letter to Senator to help get you started.

It is easy to call your Senators. Try it now.


Do you remember the excitement in 2009 when Tea Party protests began springing up at town halls and street corners all around the country? These rallies are part of what made us a lasting force to be reckoned with by the Washington elite. Call your friends and organize a gathering of people to stand on a busy street corner and wave signs. This will create some buzz in your local area and will help you recruit more people in your community. Here are some sample slogans/sign messages as well as instructions for how to host a sign-waving rally.