End Obamacare Exemption

Join us on June 17 @ Noon at Your Local Congressional Offices

End Obamacare Exemption

Join us at noon on Wednesday, June 17th  at one of your Senators’ or Representative’s local offices to demand that they abide by the laws that they force on the rest of us.

In Obamacare, it clearly states that Members of Congress and their staffs must abide by the law. However, they are ignoring the law in order to avoid its harmful effects which allows them to continue receiving their generous tax-payer funded subsidy. Which NO ONE else in the country enjoys!

Help us petition our elected officials to stop breaking the law. It’s time we put an end to the privileged, ruling class so that they too can feel the harms of Obamacare. Then we may be able to finally repeal this awful law!

Find your legislators on the interactive map.

Click on a Location to RSVP.

Download all of the tools you’ll need.

Join your fellow patriots on June 17th.

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Let us know how it went by filling out an After Action Report.

Obamacare continues to hurt Americans. Our health insurance premiums have risen. Our deductibles have skyrocketed. Some of us have lost our doctors or our health insurance. These are the real-life consequences of Obamacare. For far too long, the “Ruling Class” politicians have lived above the law while the American people suffer. But while we are suffering under the new law, Members of Congress have once again treated themselves as a protected class, exempting themselves and Congressional staffers from this disastrous government-run healthcare program, AND carving out taxpayer-funded subsidies for themselves!

Senator David Vitter from Louisiana has a bill in the Senate and Congressman Ron DeSantis has a bill in the House that would force Congressional staffers and Members of Congress to live under the law and stop taking special exemptions. Read more about this awful trick Congress is playing to shield themselves from Obamacare.

Congress passed Obamacare in 2010, over the objections of the American public.

Congress has given itself a special exemption that no one else in America gets.

Members of Congress should not be treated as a special class of citizens.

no-exemption-toolkit-plain All the tools you need to help make June 17th   a success. Every tweet, call and letter counts, so we’ve made a toolkit to help you discuss this issue with the people in your community and the lawmakers you elected.

no-exemption-hands-a Help us find out which of your lawmakers agree that the rules should apply equally to all of us, including themselves – and who would prefer special treatment.

[ Coming Soon ]

Coalition Partners

It’s time for Congress to live under the law, just like the rest of the American people!

Americans are struggling with higher premiums, loss of insurance, and penalties from the IRS. We also want an exemption!

Then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously said at the time that they had to “pass it to find out what’s in it.”  Now that Congress knows what’s in it, they want a special exemption from it.

Obamacare is severely flawed and the fact that Congress wants to be protected from the effects of this law further illustrates why now is the time for FULL REPEAL.

Repealing Obamacare is the best way to guarantee that all Americans – not just the privileged elites in Congress – will be shielded from the law’s harmful effects.

"Congress should not be above the law."