#DCIntervention – The Unaffordable Train Wreck (Archive July 29)


Weekly Toolkit – Week of July 22nd

The Senate and the House are both in session this week.  The Senate passed their amnesty bill on June 27th and the House is now moving and taking up the issue of immigration.  WE HAVE A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME TO STOP THIS TERRIBLE BILL!  This week’s resources focus on stopping the House from going to conference with the Schumer-Rubio amnesty bill that the Senate approved.

Here are some recommended activities and resources for this week



If you are planning to do a street rally on Thursday, please remember to call your local radio show hosts today to tell them about the event you are planning. Below are several resources to help you throughout the week.

Talking points on Amnesty bill
Talking points on Obamacare
Talking points on the IRS scandal
Positive messaging on real immigration reform
Sample letter to the editor
Instructions for how to host a town hall meeting during August recess
Coalition letter on amnesty  


Tuesday is “Tweet it Tuesday” and the focus is on spreading on our message on social media and in the blogs.  We have included here:

Sample social media messages



Tea Party Patriots needs your help urgently! On June 27th, right before going home for Independence Day recess, the Senate rammed through Sen. Schumer’s amnesty bill. The bill is full of favors and payouts to big businesses and other special interest groups. It is, quite simply, an amnesty first bill that will not yield any additional border security. This is a blatant attack on the rule of law!

And that’s why we need your help! Now is our last chance to stop this bill. We must let the Members in the House of Representatives know exactly why we are opposed to the Senate’s dangerous bill. It is simple. This bill if full of broken promises to the American people (amnesty now, border security never), it is full of crony handouts and kickbacks (casino kickbacks in Vegas and fishing industry kickbacks in Alaska), and it is a mockery of the idea that this nation was built on the rule of law (gives amnesty to millions of people who came here illegally and punishes those who have tried to come here following our current set of immigration laws).

We are going to aim to have 1,000 points of contact with each of these four Members over the next few weeks: Speaker John Boehner, Congressman Paul Ryan, Congressman Peter Sessions and Congressman Kevin McCarthy. These four Congressmen need to hear directly from us about why this bill must be stopped!

Why are we targeting these members?

Speaker John Boehner: As the Speaker of the House he will decide what bill is brought to the floor of the House for a vote.

Congressman Paul Ryan: As the Chairman of the Budget Committee, Ryans as a powerful voice in the House seems to be taking the Marco Rubio approach and abandoning the rule of law for what appears to be some perceived political expediency.

Congressman Peter Sessions: As the Chairman of the Rules Committee he can ultimately block the House from going into Conference with the Senate on the Senate-passed Amnesty Bill.

Congressman Kevin McCarthy: As the Majority Whip he will be very responsible for whipping votes for whatever bill is brought to the floor.




Today we are asking everyone to participate in a street rally at a busy intersection.  Remember, these street rallies have a huge impact, even if only a few people show up.
Sample sign messages
Instructions for how to host a street rally


Weekly recap