#DCIntervention – The Unaffordable Train Wreck (Archive July 8)

Weekly Toolkit – Week of July 8th

The Senate and the House are both in session this week.  The Senate passed their amnesty bill on June 27th and the House is now moving and taking up the issue of immigration.  WE HAVE A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME TO STOP THIS TERRIBLE BILL!  This week’s resources focus on educating Members in the House about the many flaws of the Senate’s approach.

Here are some recommended activities and resources for this week


Below are the resources for Monday.  If you are planning to do a street rally on Thursday, please remember to call your local radio show hosts today to tell them about the event you are planning.

Talking points
Positive messaging on real immigration reform
Sample letter to the editor



Tuesday is “Tweet it Tuesday” and the focus is on spreading on our message on social media and in the blogs.  We have included here:

Sample social media messages



We are asking everyone to write letters to several Members in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. In addition to writing and calling your own House Member, we are asking everyone to write to Members of House leadership.  We have included sample letters here to make your work easier.
Sample letter to House Member (Generic letter)
Sample letter to Speaker Boehner
Sample letter to Rep. Paul Ryan
Sample letter to Rep. Kevin McCarthy



Today we are asking everyone to participate in a street rally at a busy intersection.  Remember, these street rallies have a huge impact, even if only a few people show up.
Sample sign messages
Instructions for how to host a street rally


Weekly recap