Tea Party Patriots Action Weekly Report from Washington 04/20/20

CALENDAR: The House and Senate are scheduled to be in recess until May 4. Given that the District of Columbia is under a shutdown order until May 15, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see that May 4 date slip. Except that maybe, MAYBE, the House will have to come back briefly this week…

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Save Our Country

WASHINGTON REPORT FOR 2/10/2020PDFVIDEOAUDIOWEBWASHINGTON REPORT FOR 2/10/2020PDFVIDEOAUDIOWEB Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund invites you to join our 2020 Patriot Project – an ambitious plan to turn out 1 million voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. With your help, we will send postcards and mail, send text messages, and make phone calls. Do you want to help…Read More

Trump Coronavirus Response

MAIN PAGEDOWNLOAD THIS TIMELINEDECEMBERJANUARY[icon_timeline timeline_line_style="solid" timeline_line_color="#000000" time_block_bg_color="#000000" tl_animation="tl-animation-slide-up" el_class="featured-top" timeline_margin="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"][icon_timeline_feat time_title="January 6, 2020" title_font_style="font-weight:bold;" desc_font_style="font-weight:bold;" title_font_size="desktop:20px;" title_line_ht="desktop:24px;" title_font_color="#fbf44b" desc_font_size="desktop:15px;" desc_line_ht="desktop:19px;" desc_font_color="#ffffff"]The following article by Cleta Mitchell clearly breaks down those early days, beginning in January, concisely summarizing President Trump's actions and the inaction and attacks from Democrats, who are now trying to rewrite history for…Read More

Trump Coronavirus Response

MAIN PAGEDOWNLOAD THIS TIMELINEDECEMBER Most of this month’s portion of the Coronavirus timeline is excerpted from Jim Garaghty’s “The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies”, National Review, Monday, March 23, 2020. [icon_timeline timeline_line_style="solid" timeline_line_color="#000000" time_block_bg_color="#000000" tl_animation="tl-animation-slide-up" timeline_margin="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"][icon_timeline_item time_title="Some point in late 2019" title_font_size="desktop:20px;" title_line_height="desktop:24px;" title_font_color="#fbf44b" desc_font_size="desktop:15px;" desc_line_height="desktop:19px;" desc_font_color="#ffffff"]The coronavirus jumps from some animal species to…Read More

Letter to President Trump

Loading… Please read and then enter the information to sign this letter to President Trump on Balancing Coronavirus with the Economy (April, 2020). SIGN THE LETTERRead More

Weekly Report from Washington 03/23/20

CALENDAR: The Senate will come back Monday and stay in session long enough to pass the third coronavirus emergency bill. Then the House will likely come back to vote through the third coronavirus emergency bill.   LAST WEEK ON THE HOUSE FLOOThe House was in recess last week.   THIS WEEK ON THE HOUSE FLOOR:…

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