Amnesty Bill Talking Points

I. THE PROCESS IS BROKEN (GENERAL WEEKLY TALKING POINTS) Too Rushed: Congress needs more time to read and review the bill.  We also need more hearings and opportunities for feedback to improve the current legislation. Lack of Transparency: This bill is another “behind-closed-doors” piece of legislation that was written by special-interest lobbying groups. Lack of…

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The New York Meeting

The New York Meeting is a national forum based in New York City at The Grand Hyatt, run by Mallory Factor and O’Brien Murray.  The New York Meeting identifies leaders and generates ideas for the future of our nation.  The New York Meeting is engaging, fast-paced and gets to the core of the most important…

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Submit your Feedback on the Immigration Bill

You were given a page of the Immigration Bill to review. Currently the Senate is rushing a vote on the bill without proper time to review or read the bill.  In fact, the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee put sent a letter to Senator Leahy asking him to not rush the process, noting that,…

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