Save Our Country

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund invites you to join our 2020 Patriot Project – an ambitious plan to turn out 1 million voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. With your help, we will send postcards and mail, send text messages, and make phone calls.

Do you want to help Donald Trump win re-election in November? Are you eager to help protect the Republicans’ majority in the Senate and save the Supreme Court? If so, then this is the election year project for you!

You CAN make a difference in 2020, just like millions of activists made the difference in the 2016 election!

Of the roughly 63 million votes cast for Donald Trump for President in 2016, more than 6 million of them – about 10 percent – were cast by voters who hadn’t voted in more than a decade.


500K Previously Absent Voters
Trump won by 44k


300K Previously Absent Voters
Trump won by 11k


230K Previously Absent Voters
Trump won by 23k

You can help us reach those, and similar, voters in 2020. President Trump’s agenda has made the economy stronger and helped millions of Americans get back into the workforce. Now it’s our turn to help make sure President Trump has FOUR MORE YEARS to continue Making America Great Again.

Sign up below to join us this year!