IRS Timeline

The Internal Revenue Service has illegally targeted Tea Party groups and individuals with every means at their disposal. When the truth was brought to light, investigation into the IRS' practices and the people responsible was obstructed at every turn. This timeline collects all the events in the long struggle against the IRS' targeting – see…Read More

Yellow Card: Free People to Back Only the Candidates They Support

Free People To Back Only The Candidates They Support“Will you commit to ensuring that all workers know, via workplace notification, that they are entitled to a refund of whatever portion of their union dues are not used for collective bargaining purposes?” Background “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of…Read More

Yellow Card: Balanced Budget Amendment

Balanced Budget Amendment“Will you work to pass and ratify a Balanced Budget/Spending Limitation Amendment to the Constitution like S.J. Res. 2?” Background While serving as Vice President in 1798, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for…Read More