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Donation Cancellation

The cancellation of your donation is confirmed. We’re sorry that you had to cancel. If you had a problem with your donation or need assistance, please feel free to contact us. We can either step you through the online process or accept your information over the phone.  

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Patriot Ground Game

The Patriot Ground Game is a door to door, blockwalking project where local tea party groups use the provided technology, training, and tools to spread Tea Party Patriots values, increase influence and reach, educate neighbors, and move issues forward. We do these Neighborhood Walks to increase our reach and influence as Tea Party Patriots.  Often…Read More

End the Iran Deal

We are calling for all Tea Party activists to visit your local Congressional offices on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at noon local time to tell your Senators or Represenative to stop President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal. We have created a toolkit to help you with your visit. We encourage everyone to at least drop off a letter. In…Read More

Yellow Card: Common Core

END COMMON CORE“Will you break the connection between the allocation of federal education funds and the implementation of Common Core standards?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1ov5c7JzfQ Background “Common Core” is shorthand for the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a set of educational standards now widely used throughout the United States – in fact, as of 2014, no fewer than…Read More

Yellow Card: Enforcing Immigration

IMPLEMENT THE BIOMETRIC ENTRY/EXIT VISA TRACKING PROGRAM“Will you implement the biometric Entry/Exit Visa system mandated by law?” Background According to government estimates, as many as 40 percent of the illegal immigrants currently in the United States are foreign visitors who arrived legally, with entry visas in hand, but who chose not to leave when their…Read More