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Republicans Tout Incredible Judicial Confirmation Numbers

President Donald J. Trump is nominating judges to the federal bench at an astonishing pace. Even better than that, he’s working closely with Senate Republicans to make sure those judges get confirmed in a timely fashion. Thanks to incredible leadership from Sens. Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham, and many others, 1 in 4 judges…

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Our Veterans Deserve Better

Our Veterans deserve the best since they gave their all to protect us and secure our freedoms. On Veterans Day, it is important to note that the federal government is failing in their duty to provide the best to men and women who gave up so much for America. The Veterans Affairs system is in…

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Impeachment is Phony and Here’s Why

Sen. Rand Paul had an amazing moment during President Trump’s rally Monday night. Sen. Paul recognizes the absolute farce that is the impeachment investigation. So, in rare fashion, he absolutely deconstructed the Democrats’ entire argument for impeachment. We don’t know how they’ll recover! Eddie Scarry with the Washington Examiner shared his view: In the span…

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The Problem With Sanctuary Cities

Violating federal immigration law is a crime, but if you go to a sanctuary city, you wouldn’t know it. Sanctuary cities act as safe-spaces for those who choose to enter our country illegally, because the leaders of these cities have chosen not to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). There isn’t a legitimate reason…

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A Tragic Reminder

Tragedy struck Monday morning, when nine American women and children were gunned down by drug cartels in Mexico. The women and children were said to have left their border community at the same time in three separate cars, when they were, reportedly, ambushed by the cartel members. Some were traveling back to the US, while…

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