Tea Party Patriots 10th Anniversary

READ ABOUT OUR 4/15 TAX DAY TEA PARTY RALLIES [rev_slider_vc alias="stop-socialism-choose-freedom-rally"] Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, we were able to showcase freedom fighters like Mark Levin, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Jennifer Zeng, who escaped from communist China after being tortured for her religious beliefs. Milton Friedman once said that “our basic…Read More

Fox News: Dear Republicans: To end Senate Democrats’ obstruction, make them talk, make them work, make them vote

Speaker Newt Gingrich was fond of saying “The Democrats are our adversaries.  The Senate is our enemy.”  The Senate has long been a frustration to the impatient warriors for change.  Its rules and culture are intentionally designed to be slow and deliberative, in contrast to the quick-moving partisan House. Today, Republicans have control over all…

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Judge Napolitano: President Trump’s order limiting Obamacare ‘revolutionary’

Former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano says President Donald Trump’s executive order immediately ebbing the flow of the negative effects of Obamacare is “revolutionary” and in a single stroke of his pen dismantled the “centerpiece” of President Barack Obama’s administration. Fox News has the full commentary: [President Donald Trump] ordered a truly revolutionary…

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Yellow Card: Free People to Back Only the Candidates They Support

Free People To Back Only The Candidates They Support“Will you commit to ensuring that all workers know, via workplace notification, that they are entitled to a refund of whatever portion of their union dues are not used for collective bargaining purposes?” Background “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of…Read More

Yellow Card: Balanced Budget Amendment

Balanced Budget Amendment“Will you work to pass and ratify a Balanced Budget/Spending Limitation Amendment to the Constitution like S.J. Res. 2?” Background While serving as Vice President in 1798, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for…Read More

Ground Game Signup

Ground Game Signup   With less than 60 days left until the November elections we need your help to spread Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund values and increase our influence and reach. In these final weeks before the election we will be working with local volunteers on the ground going door to door in North…

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